
Tena salah satu grup Teater di Medan yang masih eksis di bawah arahan Yan Amarni Lubis. Produksi Teater Nasional ( Tena ) memang tidak banyak di usianya yang hampir setengah abad.

Burhan Piliang, Isqak,S, Mazwad Azham, Sori Siregar dan Rusli Mahadi adalah pendiri Teater Nasional , tepatnya tanggal 28 Oktober 1963, dengan produksi ' Garis Pisah' karya Taguan Hardjo, yang di pentaskan di Balai Prajurit dekat kantor Pos Besar Medan.

Minggu, 29 November 2009


28 and 29 November 2009, the building lasted Radio Nusantara Medan poets read poetry contest Medan. Poems written deliberately contested by the poet described the city of Medan and Medan is now past.

Competition is followed by around 100 students as the city of Medan, successfully captured by three juries, namely Barani Nasution, leader of North Sumatra theater, Harhap Rifai Dervish, a theater director, actor and writer who in his youth had won the competition among journalists read poetry in Medan about in 1972 in Medan PWI Building. The third jury is DR. Minda Sri MHum, professor of literature at UNIMED Medan.

Through a long discussion, the jurors had akhirnay decide the pemanang Sons and Daughters of the objective.

First lady predatory Annisah Mutmainnah achieve a high school student winners of Panca Budi Medan.dan SMK student son, brother and sister twins. Brother managed to win the first prize was the Twins sisters in order to seventh. But they are satisfied has been successfully set aside dozens of opponents who were all very good reading techniques, Annisah said.

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